Personality Inventory

To start the Outer Triangle, Brian will discuss the soft science of personality typologies. We'll talk about how this portion applies to us as a person and a laborer in the Kingdom.

"What typologies do is allow us to see there are commonalities between human beings, patterns that emerge over time, ways that you may react to problems and stress, and learn that there are other humans beings who respond in a similar way. And we can see in those commonalties revelation and discovery about yourself. That is helpful. As long as we don't see these as an identity, but instead see that we handle and look and deal with things in a certain way, it can be incredibly enriching."

If you're following along in the manual, turn to the "Personality Inventory" chapter and complete it (you'll have to return here to take the personality tests). Otherwise, continue below.


*The Strengths Finder test is no longer free, and therefore optional. The Strengths Finder book is required to take the quiz on the link provided, but you can find information regarding the different strengths online, if it interests you.

"The Enneagram is first of all a key to self-knowledge. The point is not to nail others down or to have others nail me down, but that I ask myself who I am, what dangers and possibilities there are within me, and how I can find my ‘true self,’ which God put inside me. Ultimately, I am the only one who can identify myself with a certain type or life program of the Enneagram. This process may move very quickly, or it may take a long time. I determine the tempo. Even those who don’t immediately figure out their type can observe their own life story in the mirror of the new type description and thereby make progress."
- Richard Rohr, "The Enneagram"

Share what you discovered


1) After taking one or more of the above tests, record your results.

2) Summarize you findings and write them along the "Personality Inventory" side of your calling triangle.

Complete and Continue